In case you missed the Mucus and Microbiome: That's Gross -- No, it'SNOT Nature Nerd chat live, today is your lucky day (well, it’s your lucky post) — you can watch the recording here!
At the top of the recording you might notice that I haven’t introduced myself, and we jump in on Britt in the middle of describing her deep interest in the interesting Mucus. This is because I almost forgot to record and we jump in during Britt’s intro.
Andrea McBeth (our first expert Nature Nerd to present) also wrote up this extensive article that goes over a lot of what she talks about with a bit more scientific detail as well as references provided (Huzzah!). You can read the article here: Mysterious Mucus and the Microbiome (AKA Marvelous Mucus: Good Fences Make Good Neighbors).
Here’s a scientific article Andrea provided that digs into the science of how emulsifier-additives in our food (ice cream, chewing gum) do to the mucus lining of our gut: Direct impact of commonly used dietary emulsifiers on human gut microbiota.
If you do end up watching the recording, I’d love it if you could take a minute and fill out this survey when you’re done. Thanks a bunch!
Dang! Thank you so much to Erin for collecting all the reference links from the talk! You can download the list of references with links below.